In "Believe Me," Tahereh Mafi weaves a gripping tale of suspense and psychological intrigue, where nothing is quite as it seems. Set against the backdrop of a glamorous but dangerous...
In "Confess," Colleen Hoover delves into the intricacies of love, art, and the power of confession. Set against the backdrop of a mysterious art gallery, the story follows the intertwining...
"Holding Up The Universe" by Jennifer Niven delves deep into the lives of its protagonists, Libby Strout and Jack Masselin, both struggling with inner demons that shape their identities and...
"Ignite Me" by Tahereh Mafi immerses readers in a captivating dystopian world where Juliette Ferrars, a young woman with a deadly touch, struggles to harness her power while navigating a...
"Under Such A Sheltering Sky" by Sarmila Bose is a poignant exploration of the human experience set against the backdrop of tumultuous historical events. Through rich prose and nuanced storytelling,...